Helping you get to a dryer lifestyle

For Hyperhidrosis

The Dose Makes the Poison

'"Sola dosis facit venenum" is a well-known Latin proverb, particularly in medical and pharmacy circles. Roughly translated, it means "the dose makes the poison." This concept was recognized about 500 years ago by Paracelsus, a Swiss physician known as "the man who brought chemistry to medicine." He understood that any substance, when administered in a sufficiently high dose, can become harmful.

Start Low Go Slow

As with many medical conditions, the approach to treating hyperhidrosis should be exceptional. The optimal therapeutic strategy should adhere to the "Start Low Go Slow" principle. This means initiating treatment with the lowest effective dose and gradually increasing it until achieving the desired therapeutic benefit.

Thus, the principle of treating with the minimal effective dose that provides therapeutic benefit has become a standard practice. There is little justification in administering higher doses than necessary when treating a condition. Not only can this lead to toxicity, but it can also result in unwanted side effects.

Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Hyperhidrosis - A Logical Treatment Approach

At the Dry Pharmacist, we think treating hyperhidrosis should be based on the idea of using a "Start Low Go Slow" approach. There are a number of compelling reasons to adopt for this approach.

Firstly, it's simply logical. Why opt for a higher-strength treatment if the desired benefit can be achieved with a lower-strength product?

Helping Create Dryer Lifestyles

Secondly, when opting for topical treatments like DryDerm, using higher strengths increases the risk of developing skin irritation. Therefore, starting with a lower strength minimizes this risk while still aiming to achieve effective treatment.

Ultimately, individuals may opt to begin treatment more aggressively by selecting a higher-strength option. However, it's important to recognize that this approach carries the risk of treatment failure. Starting with a lower strength and gradually adjusting upwards based on response is often a more prudent strategy to ensure effectiveness and minimize adverse outcomes.

Before using DryDerm, make sure you visit our Start Low Go Slow page